Title I Resources at Susquenita Elementary School

Title I Schoolwide Program

Susquenita Elementary School's Title I schoolwide program is specifically geared towards those students who are experiencing difficulty with reading or mathematics. Since we implement a schoolwide program, all students are eligible for Title I services regardless of family income. Title I instruction is delivered in a small group setting in addition to regular classroom instruction. There may be push-in and pull-out instruction depending on the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Tier the student is in based on universal assessment and classroom performance data.

Susquenita Elementary- Title I TSI Schoolwide Plan

Curriculum and Assessment

Our curriculum and programs are based on the PA Core Academic Standards. Universal screeners (K-4: Acadience reading and Mathematics, 3-4: iReady Math and Reading) and curriculum-based assessments are used to track progress and growth for each student.

What is ESEA Title I?

ESEA stands for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This encompasses our nation's schools, providing numerous federal funds. State Educational Agencies (SEAs) provide funds to the school districts based on the number of low-income families. Each year this program serves as a resource for a multitude of children in elementary and secondary schools. Title I also assists children in parochial and private schools.

Goals of the ESEA Title I Program

The primary goal is to provide each child with the opportunity to obtain the necessary skills to develop an interest in reading and math. Another goal is to encourage each student to feel comfortable and confident, not only in reading and mathematics, but also in the content areas within our curriculum. Furthermore, we emphasize the need for continuous communication among intervention staff, classroom teachers, and families.

Parent and Family Engagement

Susquenita Elementary School is committed to strengthening our relationships with families. We particularly want to reach out to families to ensure that we are meeting our students' needs and to provide opportunities to share feedback about the Title I program. A family advisory committee meets at least bi-annually to discuss our current and future programming. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact the Principal.

SSD Board Policy 918- School-Level Parent And Family Engagement Policy- 23-24 SY

SES Title I Parent and Family Engagement Overview 23-24 SY

Title I School-Parent Compact- 23-24 SY

The Title I School-Parent Compact is sent home to all families at the start of the school year. We encourage parents to read, sign, and return it to the school.

What do I do if I have a concern about my child?

Your first step would be to contact the classroom teacher. They are the most knowledgeable people who can speak about your child's performance. Our Data and Instruction Specialist is also a valuable resource. Family conferences are also offered twice a year. If you still feel you need additional help or your child needs extra support, we are happy to schedule a meeting to discuss your concerns. Feel free to contact the building principal, or one of our school counselors, at any time.


Annual Parent Notice - Right to Request Teacher Qualifications

If your child attends a Title I school, you are entitled to information about your child's teacher. You are entitled to know whether the teacher is certified and qualified, and you are entitled to information about the teacher's college degree and major. 

If your child receives any services from a paraprofessional, the school is required to provide you with information about the paraprofessional's qualifications. 

Submit a written request for information about your child's teacher or paraprofessional to the building principal. The building principal will provide you with that information in a timely manner.

SES Right-to-Know Letter- 23-24 SY

SES Right to Know Letter- Spanish


Meet our Amazing Intervention Team!

Allyson Lang- Data and Instruction Specialist

Kathryn Bell- Early Intervention Specialist

Karen Gibney- Reading Specialist

Lisa Perkins- Reading Specialist

Christin Hawkins- Mathematics Intervention Specialist